Arduino IDE: how to install a library #10.1

Arduino IDE

Welcome back to our programming tutorial using the Arduino IDE. Today we will explain how to install a library with the Arduino IDE.

You can take a look at the previous chapters of the course here:

The previous article discussed what a library is. Arduino IDE has several libraries implemented and ready to use.

In addition, you are given the opportunity to use libraries created by users, developers, companies or hobbyists. To achieve this, a certain procedure must be followed.

Install libraries from the Arduino IDE management tool

To install a new library, open the Arduino IDE software and click on the upper menu “Sketch”. Once you have done this step click on “#include Library”. Then click on “Library Management”.


After clicking on “Library Management” the management tool will appear on the screen. There will be a list with all the libraries already installed or to be installed.


Furthermore, you are given the option to search (white bar) for the library to be installed. The installation process is fairly self-explanatory. Once you find the library to install, just place the cursor on it and click the install button. The message “INSTALLED” will appear once the installation process is complete.

Importing libraries from .zip files

Many libraries are distributed in .zip files. Inside the compressed file you usually have a .cpp file or a .h or .txt file. To import such libraries, you do not have to extract the package but load the .zip file as it is.

Clicking on “add library from .ZIP file” opens the following window:


To install the .zip library just click omn “Open”. The installation will automatically execute.

Arduino library

Manually installation of libraries

To carry out this procedure, simply download the library and insert it manually into the “libraries” folder contained in the “Arduino” directory. The path on Windows – except for any modifications made by the user – is: C: \ documents \ Arduino \ libraries.

library Arduino

Once the library is installed, it is recommended to restart the Arduino IDE software.

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Simone Candido è un ragazzo appassionato del mondo tech nella sua totalità. Simone ama immedesimarsi in nuove esperienze, la sua filosofia si basa sulla irrefrenabile voglia di ampliare a 360° le sue conoscenze abbracciando tutti i campi del sapere, in quanto ritiene che il sapere umano sia il connubio perfetto tra cultura umanistica e scientifica.

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