
Gli articoli in questa sezione avranno uno stile didattico, tipo tutorial. Troveremo manuali How-To, spiegazione del funzionamento dei circuiti, presentazione di algoritmi, concetti generali e in sostanza articoli monografici per l’avvicinamento ad un determinato argomento. Il taglio degli articoli sarà abbastanza diretto e lineare, e cercheremo di evitare concetti troppo difficili o complessi.


The posts in this section will show a didactic trend. Here you will find manuals, How-To’s, circuits’ and boards’ explanations, tutorial of new or interesting algorithms, general purpose concepts, and practically monographs to help people understand particular subjects. The skeleton of the article will offer a direct and linear approach: we will try to avoid hard and complex  concepts.

Linux SSH configuration

tux linux ssh

Things covered here:- Hardware overview Network configuration Update the system and installing ssh client and/or server Using simple naming Logging into and sending files over secure channels Restricting users and IP addresses Router settings for web access Router setting for portforwarding to a server Dispensing with password verification   Hardware